The Theurgy
of the
«Elus Coens»
(c) 2001 Theodoulos
A Brief Description of the Theurgic System by Martines
de Pasqually
In the second part of his book Alchemie
Spirituelle, Robert Ambelain informs us that the Theurgic System
of the
«Elus Coens» included three discreet elements:
Prayers the three Persons of the Holy Trinity, in order to attract the
Divine Providence.
...towards the Angels and the Saints, for the cooperation of the Operator
with them and the advance of the Magnus Opus of Universal Reintegration.
... against the demonic spiritual entities, in order to alleviate --
and possibly eradicate -- the manifestations of evil and alleviate its
yoke on mankind.
N.B.: Exorcisms are extremely dangerous to anyone that
has not defeated -- irrevocably and in real life -- the demon within.
This also applies to any -- ritual or non - ritual -- expression
of Word towards spiritual entities that are opposed to Life.
This combination of Prayers, Conjurations and Exorcisms constituted a kind
of «cult» that included ten different Operations, corresponding
to the Ten Divine Attributs of the Sephirothic Tree of Life:
10. Expiation
9. Influence of Providence towards mankind
in general.
8. Operation against demons.
7. Operation against black magicians and
their spiritual partners.
6. Operation against war.
5. Operations against human actions and
ideologies that that are against the Divine Law.
4. Operation of attraction of the Holy Spirit
and acceptance of Its Gifts.
3. Operation for the strengthening of Faith
and stability in the Spiritual Path.
2. Absolute and complete demission of oneself
to the Holy Spirit.
1. Annual consecration of all Operations
to God.